StudyPop an app designed to make arranging, scheduling, and remembering college assignments easier. By using the known affordances of a clock I created a system for quickly locating assignments each day and throughout the year. As a result, users are able to quickly determine how busy their schedules are at a glance.
StudyPop also has a collaborative aspect to it, which allows users to connect with others quickly and easily. Users can select the people they'd like to study with, as well as their preferred location, time, and subject matter. Messages can even be attached to invitations to allow for greater clarity when arranging meetings.
StudyPop also has a collaborative aspect to it, which allows users to connect with others quickly and easily. Users can select the people they'd like to study with, as well as their preferred location, time, and subject matter. Messages can even be attached to invitations to allow for greater clarity when arranging meetings.
The app utilizes simple icons, photography, and direct language to ensure users can move through their schedules with ease. All meetings and assignments scheduled can be easily edited by clicking the pencil icon, or messages can be added through the text bubble icon. This system helps users keep all of their educational commitments in one location, making group projects and study sessions a breeze.